WATCH THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING - THE RULES 1. Movies must be shot in their entirety during the runtime of The Oscars (March 12th 5pm-8pm PST, if The Oscars happen to run late you can keep filming until they're done) 2. Try you hardest to make your movie feature length (40+ Minutes). If you have a great shorter movie, don't sacrifice your edit and stretch it to be 40 minutes arbitrarily, you can submit it regardless. 3. You'll have the whole week following The Oscars to edit the movie. Movies must be submitted to by midnight the night of March 19th. 4. Movies must be AVAILABLE PUBLICLY ON YOUTUBE when submitted. That way anyone can watch them. I'll compile a public playlist of all the movies. 5. Have fun! 6. If you're in a time zone where The Oscars are too late or you're working during The Oscars, you're welcome to film at a different time. Just set a three hour timer for shooting and don't watch the Oscars and you're staying true to the heart of the event! All donations to the stream will go towards next year's award ceremony!